The Mezentian Gate
Set entirely in the world of Zimiamvia, the third novel in the trilogy is a sweeping tale of political intrigue, murder and machinations in the Three Kingdoms of Rerek, Fingiswold and Meszria. The story covers several generations and follows the fortunes of the power-hungry Parry family in their attempts to extend their reach beyond the middle Kingdom of Rerek, and to unite the Three Kingdoms under their rule. Their plans are skewed by the rise of King Mezentius of the northern kingdom of Fingiswold, who seems to have a special grace and whose every move causes events to turn inevitably in his favour. Firmly set in a world of nobles, of luxury and of extravagance, it is also a violent world where even the most powerful can be cut down in their strongholds, and women may play at murder as well as men.
As the story unfolds King Mezentius becomes aware of his own divinity, which is matched by that of the Lady Fiorinda (the goddess Aphrodite in human form, whose beauty leaves a trail of male worshippers in her wake). Other characters are paler reflections of the two main divinities and remain only dimly aware of their divine status and their role in the parallel divine drama.
The book ends with the King’s willing death, as he struggles to break free from the constraints of his own omniscience and enter unknown realms; but his death leaves the fate of the Three Kingdoms hanging in the balance.